ACW May 2024
A Cross to the World (ACW) Guten tag!  Hello there! This is an update on what is happening at ACW! 1)The mission  2) Six month plan (Volunteering & mission based trips) 3)A brief summary of what is happening now!  The Mission: Our mission is simple. To walk in the purpose God has created us for For more info, feel free to check out our website: One of our goals is to give those at home the ‘front line’ opportunity to make a difference in communities all around the world. As the primary traveller for ACW I feel it is my obligation and duty to not put the burden of my food and shelter on the backs of you who are already working to sustain life in this troublesome economy. Often I believe “ministry” is misused for monetary reasons. As a licensed aircraft mechanic with a lot of variety in my job field experience, it is not difficult to find work, to God be the glory. That being said, I am not in it for monetary gain. Through certain financial decisions, I am able to sustain general living without using the ACW missions funds. Currently, I am completely debt-free and have no family of my own so the cost of living is drastically reduced. This allows for a more effective and fluid mission based ministry. Nevertheless there might be certain emergency situations that require the immediate use of funds. Our team at ACW will be in agreement when these funds are used and we will be more than happy to share any information you wish to know. *We are a 501C3 organization recognized by the state of Florida, in which we are current and up to date with our filing Steps to lookup our info  1) 2) Search Records 3) Name of entity: A Cross to the World Ministries 6 MONTH PLAN:  Alternate between volunteering opportunities and mission based trips. ***Volunteering Opportunities***  How? -Through an organization called World-packers Where?  -The locations will vary. -The next opportunity is based in a country where a certain Man was walked through on a donkey and palm branches were arrayed before Him.  Why? -These volunteer opportunities will allow a time to recharge. -Create connections -Save money -To live and work alongside others who may or may not know Jesus Christ.  -To simply be a Light ***Mission based trips***  How? The Lord has connected some awesome people and other ministries with ACW through our social media. Where? -These will be based solely on whatever and wherever the Lord leads.  -There are 3 immediate countries on our “go-to” list -The locations will also depend on priority of the needs  What? -The mission can be anything from preaching to helping build a church or buying bibles. -We will be diligent in recording what is spent  -These missions are where we will use funds contributed to bless our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world CURRENTLY Volunteering Opportunity *Farm in Austria The whole trip from Panama City to Austria has been filled with God-ordained appointments. From being with my brother and his family in Orlando, to meeting and witnessing to random people in London to talking with a young man from Somalia about Jesus on the two hour flight from London to Austria. I am currently living in Austria with a little family on a farm at the foot of the Austrian Alps. A father, mother, two little boys, ages 5 and 3 and a little girl who is 3 months old. They have some land used for crops, they also have pigs, goats, sheep, chickens, rabbits, a few cats, a duck (who I named Jeffrey). They are currently renovating their farm and in are the process of upgrading it. They have listed their farm on Worldpackers to enlist volunteers to help them out in different areas on the farm; nanny, farm help, etc. This is affording me the opportunity to work and sustain good living conditions while also spreading the Gospel to those around me! There is a young lady here from France who is helping out as the nanny and two other helpers coming by the end of the month. Spreading the Gospel doesn’t always look like a pulpit nor does it look like a small group at a coffee shop (there is nothing wrong with these certain venues). But sometimes its being knee deep in pig manure talking about the complexities of life and how a perfect God would allow bad things to happen. Cleaning the kitchen and talking about the radical change Christ has brought to my life. Or sitting at a picnic table on the porch as the sun is going down beyond the Alps and discussing the incredible story of how the Savior of the world died for us because of our sins. How that sin is separation between the Father and us. Yet Christ died to bridge the gap because it was the Father’s Love and His will that through Christ we can not only ‘know of’ God, but know Him personally and walk with Him. Relationship, not a religion. “For by grace are you saved, through faith, and not of yourselves, it is a gift of God, not of works so no man can boast” Ephesians 2:8-9 The whole family has repeatedly said my work ethic is incredible which is a testimony to Christ.  Apart from Christ, I can do nothing, I am nothing. The Holy Spirit is doing some serious ‘tilling’ on all of us.  I am forever grateful for the One who loves and doesn’t hold back  The One who lives forevermore, who sustains, who is HOLY May He always receive the honor and glory from our lives! God bless you and continue to keep you all Be encouraged, If you’re still breathing, He still has a purpose for you! **Remember, you don’t have to go to the other side of the world to love someone across the street - J. C. If you don’t already follow us on social media, feel free to do so!  Facebook: ACW Ministries Instagram: acw_ministries Website: