Reaching the lost For


And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me."
- Isaiah 6:8

Our mission is to passionately pursue the lost, proclaim the transforming power of the Gospel, and disciple believers to live out sound biblical principles. With unwavering faith and a heart of love, we strive to make a tangible impact in the lives of individuals and communities, equipping them to experience God's grace, truth, and redemption..

Discover Story
My Story

Josh's Story

Josh Crotts


Dear friends,

This organization was started on the brink of an incredible faith-based endeavor; To follow God to the ends of the earth, no matter what the cost. Please allow me to share a brief part of my personal journey that has led to the miraculous birthing of this organization.


In February 2019, at the age of 27 I found myself awakening in a jail cell located in Central Florida. I was filled with bewilderment and confusion, unable to comprehend how someone like me, who had always strived to be morally upright, could have landed in such a distressing predicament. This place of despair sparked a profound period of introspection and self-reflection. I’d grown up in a church where the presence of God was always welcomed and anticipated. I had learned so much about God, but I never knew God for myself. Through the years I had traveled Asia, the western pacific, the U.S., and the Caribbean. Experiencing multiple religions, rituals, and practices, constantly searching for a peace that superseded my own understanding. I had built up quite a life resumé, but there was no real substance. It always ended in guilt, shame, and emptiness.


It was in that moment of despair; I made a decision that would change the course of my life. I chose to surrender to Christ Jesus, recognizing the need for His guidance and grace. However, I want to be transparent with you. The transformation I sought didn't happen instantly. I had to face the consequences of my actions, and I grappled with personal struggles for over two years.


“With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” Matthew 19:26.


Today, standing before you, I confidently proclaim that I am a living testament to the freedom found in Christ. I have experienced His radical forgiveness, His transformative power, and His unwavering love. The verse from John 8:36 resonates deeply within me: "For whom the Son sets free is free indeed."


His grace has brought me from a place of despair to a place of freedom, purpose, and hope. I invite you to embark on this incredible journey with us, to declare the transforming power of God's love and the fulfillment found in surrendering to His will. Together, let us follow Christ to the ends of the earth!


“lf anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me.” Matthew 16:24


With heartfelt gratitude and anticipation,

Joshua Crotts

President and Founder

A Cross to the World Ministries

Our Journey Starts Now








See Your Giving Grow and Bloom

One component of ministry is giving. Watching it grow means being able to observe the positive effects of the ministry activity. Offering only resources or services is insufficient; we also need to be able to assess how they effect the people we are trying to assist. This may entail seeing the number of people we assist increase or witnessing a person or a family overcome adversity with the help of our ministry. It is essential that we can enjoy the thrill of success and the fruits of our labor. One component of ministry is giving; another is seeing it flourish.