The Ministry & The Mission


In just three months between two countries I have accumulated over 4100 miles of travel via plane, train and walking. The lingering question has been fairly simple, yet daunting. WHY? This one word has kept me up till the wee hours of the morning in Osaka and into the late nights of Seoul. Why did God lead me to the other side of the world? Why haven’t I seen ‘revival’ break out? Have I not been who I needed to be? Have I allowed sin into my life, thus preventing God’s work to be completed in me? What will they think of me back home? Will I come home with my head hung low as a warrior who has been defeated with no trophies of war? Will they doubt me, and begin to question whether I actually heard from God or not? Will the board remove me and say I couldn’t accomplish what needed to be done? How will we raise the funds needed to continue the mission? How will the ministry be financially sustained with no ‘pictures’ and no ‘proof’ of progress?

The Ministry

God has been gracious, patient and kind with me as I have tried and failed hundreds of times to figure out what His plan is going to be. At the end of the day, the truth of the matter is, I do Not know His plans, nor do I know His ways. This is very difficult to concede to since I am stubborn and hard headed to my very core. I believe that God called me here for a season. And yet I have no idea the extents nor could I ever comprehend the complexity of His purpose for me being here. I must admit this was one of the most difficult blogs to write, due to my pride. But let me be the first to say I would rather be publicly shamed and made a fool on this earth, so that God would receive all the Glory and I be permitted in His presence for eternity. My life is not my own, I was bought with a price. I must carry my cross in order to follow my Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ. Im learning that my ministry is not about me. If the ministry becomes about me, it no longer involves salvation and freedom, but rather condemnation and bondage. Joshua Crotts cannot save you, but Jesus Christ can! The Ministry of Jesus Christ is not bound to an organization, a denomination, or reputation.

The Ministry of Jesus Christ is within Him & through Him alone.

As a believer we are called to live in Him and allow Him to live through us.  

This is The MINISTRY.   

The Mission

What an amazing call! What an awesome gift to be given a salvation that I did not earn, deserve, or could ever pay for! This is the call, it is to tell the world of this free gift we have been given! Religions are always based on merit. The Relationship with Christ is based on love. In all ‘religions’ there is an entry point where you are accredited entrance into the religion and thus given rules and regulations to follow. At the end of your life, you are then given a ‘final test’ or judgment accrediting all your good deeds against your bad deeds. If your good deeds outweigh your bad deeds then you enter ‘eternal happiness.’ If your bad deeds outweigh your good deeds you enter ‘nothingness’ or simply death. 

With Jesus Christ, When you come before God and repent of your sins, ask Jesus Christ into your life, He accepts you. His mercy and grace permits the progress of ‘being perfected.’ You will continue to fall and sin, you will NEVER be perfect. However Jesus already paid the price for your sins. He is the ONLY way to Heaven, He is the only true source of Righteousness. This does not remove you from sin, meaning you will never sin. But rather it covers your sin, if you repent and turn from your ways (1 John 1:9). Knowing this will change your response to sin. Instead of wallowing in the pit of condemnation and guilt brought on by your conscious (the moral law which God has given every man/ Heb. 10:16) 

Instead of trying to earn your way back to the Level of Perfection, You can be confident in the Hope that Christ will forgive you when you repent!

The Mission is simple

Let Faith bring forth Obedience 

Love God & Love people, even as Christ Loves Us!

This is The MISSION  

I do not encompass Christ but instead Christ has encompassed me

Not because of what I’ve done but because His Love set me free

I do not live for myself but instead I live for Him 

This life is not my own His blood covers all my sin

What a wondrous Savior indeed

May The Ministry & The Mission

Be to the One Who died for me 

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