Trust God, He Loves You

Why are you trying to earn the love of God? Was the cross not enough for you? Do you think you've sinned so much that the blood of Jesus cannot reach even you?

So often in life, I find that we lean into our emotions and feelings when it comes to the spiritual. This is exactly what the enemy wants and this is exactly the opposite direction God has desired for us. Our society is mostly driven by a “work hard, play hard” routine mentality. If work 40+ hours a week then you can have whatever you want. Unfortunately this mentality has leaked its way into the church causing our relationship with Christ to turn sour and become just another religion. Please don’t misunderstand what I am saying, even the Word of God tells us to work hard and enjoy our time of rest. What I am saying is when we allow this physical mentality of “work to earn” begin to take over our spiritual relationship with Christ Jesus, it becomes overwhelming and unbearable at times, 'Follow these commandments or else!' Well what happens when I break a commandment, act on a thought or do something I know is wrong, what then? Am I to be banished to hell for all eternity? This thought often drives us as believers to unbelievable extents of chronic worry, self discouragement and self criticism, to the harshest degree in some cases. We find ourselves worrying over our salvation due to the frailty and fragile state of our flesh and our minds.You see when the sins we commit are carefully calculated and categorized in our mental excel sheet, and then put up against the ‘good deeds’ we have done. There begins to be a serious separation, especially around the point of accepting Christ. This is when the believer must truly ‘dig down deep’ into the Faith of who God is what His word testifies about Him.Once on fire for God, drawing near to Him and allowing Him to draw near to us but then the closer He draws to us the more His Holy Light exposes the darkness in us we didn't know existed. If the believer leans into their emotions and feelings during these moments it can be catastrophic and cause a severe depression and it will welcome a spirit of oppression. We must remember that we are in the process, we must hold onto the fact that God is only exposing these dark and hidden places in our hearts so we will give those secret sins, thoughts, and desires to Him. John 3:30 says it best, "He must increase, but I must decrease." While learning to rely more on Him and less on ourselves it causes us to realize our help comes from the Lord, it helps us understand to Trust in the Lord! No one likes to be told they're wrong, but when we realize that God knows we are innately born into sin and our nature is to revert back to sin, we see a profound and infinite love that He would not only draw near to us and reveal our weaknesses to us but He would also help us and lead us through those moments of hurt and heartache.


One of the verses I personally read when life feels like its crashing down all around me and my head starts spinning is in the book of Joshua, God speaks to a man named Joshua as he has just taken over the leadership role of the children of Israel (about 2.3 million people) -Gods people. What a responsibility!? I can only imagine the thoughts running through this man’s head but God speaks to Joshua at the very beginning. We see Joshua chapter 1 verse 9 (Joshua 1:9), “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” This is just one of the many times in Joshua’s life but also in the the Word of God, that God not only speaks comfort to our troubled minds but He emphasizes He will draw near and work out the circumstances on our behalf. At the end of the day the victory has already been won! Christ Jesus defeated satan and the darkness once and for all, when He died on the cross and was resurrected on the third day! The problem is so many times we fall back on our ‘feelings and emotions’ when we begin to do spiritual battle. Friend, whoever you are, wherever you are or whatever you are going through, remember, Jesus Christ died for you. As trivial as that may sound sometimes even the most spiritually minded need to be reminded that the foundation of our belief and our Hope is in the son of God, Jesus Christ. He paid the price, the penalty for your sins. Your salvation is not based on how good you are or the good deeds you have done. So many times (Im guilty of this as well) we come to Jesus brokenhearted, exhausted, barely hanging on and then our conscious betrays us. It beats us down even further; as we are trying to pray! Your mind roars like the tempest of the sea and comes crashing down like the waves on the beach. The guilt and condemnation feels overwhelming and the peace of God just seems so distant. HOLD ON! Be encouraged! Don’t lose heart! Our God, Our Father, He loves us, He loves you more than you could ever imagine! Put your faith in Him and watch Him move mountains. Remain patient, keep the Faith, allow God to draw closer to you, and work out what you're going through, for your good.


For me personally I become physically, spiritually, and emotionally exhausted at times. I've sold everything I had, to move to the other side of the world and for what, ‘A Voice whispering to my soul’? But I can’t see God, I can’t feel God, so how do I know God called me to sell everything and actually follow Him? It's through tangible confirmations that the intangible is verified and confirmed. That is why I put my faith in God! Our Faith is not blind, God will ALWAYS confirm His word and His Will for your life. For instance, me walking to the top of a mountain at a certain time on a certain day and meeting a man named Yel Geronimo who happened to be a missionary, who speaks 3 languages including Japanese, Filipino, and English. By the way he doesn’t even live in that area, he was only there visiting a friend. Was this a coincidence? It takes even GREATER faith to believe in chance than it takes to believe in our Creator, and our Savior! Oh and let's not forget he gave ‘A Cross to the World Ministries’ a house, some land and a car. Plus he is going to help us at ACW raise disciples (since he has been a professor of economics for over 23 years) and we will these disciples into the darkest parts of the world. That’s only ONE confirmation God has personally given me. If we all really look back on our lives, God has been there all along and He never left us! It's only when we become blinded by our immediate surroundings that we forget the power and the authority that God has given us through His son Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit! You are closer to your breakthrough than you realize, continue to trust God.


If you have never trusted God and you would like to this moment, give your heart and life to Jesus Christ, the One who died for you, Say these words out loud or quietly, in Faith, “Father I am a sinner, I have failed you, I have been bound by may pride, and blinded by my guilt. My shame is overwhelming, my sins are too numerous to count. But you said in your word that whoever believes in Your son Jesus Christ, SHALL be saved. God in this moment I know I am unworthy but I want to begin a relationship with you. Im sorry for my sins, Im sorry for doing things my way. I give you my heart, my plans, my will, my life. Take everything I have and use it for your glory. Fill me with the peace that passes all understanding, wash me and cleanse me in the precious blood of Jesus Christ. I don’t understand everything about you, but guide me, show me, and lead me into all Your Truth. I will bless your name God, for you are Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End." If you have prayed this prayer with a truly repentant heart then God has forgiven you and you have been made a new creation in Christ Jesus! Now continue on this journey with Jesus, begin to read your bible a few minutes a day and just meditate on what you read. Get with other Christian believers and begin to walk in this freedom that God has given you, through His marvelous grace!

2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”

Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by grace are you saved, through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is a gift of God, not of works lest anyone should boast."


Believers, keep the faith. New believers, begin to walk in this faith. Those who have not yet believed, you were made in the image of God, he loves you and He desires to have a relationship with you.

May God continue to bless and keep all of you!

Remember: GOD LOVES YOU!