His Process for our Purpose

**Biblical references at the end**


How can a block of steel, without being forged or sharpened, cut wood? How can paint keep its true color on a vehicle if the metal is not sanded properly? How can a high school football player become an NFL prospect without practice? These are symbolic for the importance of the Process. Often we hear about this biblical man named Joshua. What do you think of when you hear the name Joshua in the Bible? Maybe the battle of Jericho, or the encouragement God gave to Joshua as he takes over leadership of Israel? How about when Joshua tells the people of Israel that they must choose whose side they are on, but as for him and his family they will serve the Lord? Well, today I would like to focus on this man named Joshua & what his early life looked like before he became the leader of God’s people, Israel. After all, how can we be expected to fulfill our purpose without going through some type of process?


The first time we see Joshua mentioned in the Bible, Moses is instructing him to gather men to fight Amalek. I find it quite strange that there is absolutely no mention of him before this moment, and suddenly Joshua is placed in the spotlight as the commander of the army of Israel. Moving forward, we can deduce Joshua was close enough to Moses to earn his trust to be given this opportunity. What a crucial moment in this young mans life! Scholars and theologians estimate Joshua was anywhere from 20-40 years old when he was called to lead an army against Amalek. Joshua leads Israel to victory through the power of God. While Moses also having Aaron, his brother, and Hur hold his arms/hands up to signify victory throughout the entire battle. So Joshua has now proven himself both to the Lord, and to Moses. In the aspect of leading a military campaign and able to withstand pressure in battle. 

Guided Loneliness

The next time Joshua is mentioned; he ascends Mt Sinai with Moses to receive (the first set) of the ten commandments for the children of Israel. This was a personal ‘nugget’ for me. I never realized Joshua went up with Moses to Mt. Sinai. We are uncertain if Joshua went all the way up to the top with Moses, or if he waited somewhere close to the top. Most would suggest that Joshua was a distance away but still able to understand what was happening. Also when God speaks to Moses it is understood grammatically that He is only speaking to one person. Can you imagine being close enough to the presence of God to maybe see or hear the rumble and quaking of the nature around when God almighty verbally spoke? Although speaking to your mentor and not directly speaking to you. Joshua being human like the rest of us, Im sure had thoughts, questions, and doubts. Forty days he waited on the mountain. Think about this, Joshua waited forty days  for the instructions to be completely given to Moses before rejoining him on the descent back to the children of Israel. Forty days is a long time to wait, forty days is a long time to be alone on the side of a mountain. There was another man who had to wait for 40 days in the wilderness before being tempted by satan, our Messiah. Forty days can be psychologically exhausting especially all alone. I can attest to this personally over the past 12 weeks in Asia. But what will we do when God has called us to wait? Will we proceed in the process by faith? Or will we succumb to the emotions and feelings not allowing the full work of God to be done in and through us? Yet, Joshua remained faithful to God & His process.

Spy out the Land

The last main test we see Joshua apart of is when Moses sends 12 spies to spy out the land of Canaan. Each spy is representing a tribe of Israel (12).The land God has promised His people. This story gets interesting because we see an official name change. Joshua’s original name was Hoshea, but Moses officially identifies him as Joshua before he sends him out with the other eleven spies. They spy out the land and come back to give a report. Ten spies said its impossible for them to fight and be victorious. But Joshua and Caleb give faithful reports. These two said there are giants but with God on their side, they would be victorious! This leads to a vote and the ten faithless spies convince the children of Israel to vote against it and they all end up missing out on the promise and blessing of God. Still, Joshua’s faith allowed him and Caleb to go into the promised land.

Joshua, the Leader

Moses is not allowed to go into Canaan with the children of Israel due to his disobedience. Moses prays to God that He should place someone in his place. God tells Moses, to perform “laying of hands” on Joshua which becomes the ceremonious inauguration for him as the head of Israel. This is the first time in the Bible that “laying of hands” is done. Joshua then leads God’s people into the promised land with quite a successful and victorious set of campaigns against the enemies of Israel. Resulting in land, wealth, and God’s blessings to be bestowed upon the children of Israel.


Just like Joshua, we often start our journey with God not knowing much of anything.

No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you. 

(Joshua 1:5)

When trials come into your life, give God thanks that you are counted worthy to be tested by trials, that your faith may produce patience!

(James 1:2)

 Do not lose heart, though our flesh is wasting away day by day. Our inner man is being renewed day by day

(2 Cor. 4:16)

Continue in your personal relationship with Jesus Christ, let Him finish that good work that He first began in you, for He is faithful to complete it!

(Philippians 1:6)




  • BATTLE (Exodus 17) 
  • GUIDED LONELINESS (Exodus 24, 32, 33)
  • SPY OUT THE LAND (Numbers 13, 14)
  • JOSHUA THE LEADER (Numbers 27, Deuteronomy 1, 33)